NYCorp Community Outreach and College ScholarshipApplication is now Open Hello Students, Guidance Counselors, Donors, and any Friends of the NYCORP College Scholarship Kids. Please find all the information you need to APPLY NOW for the NYCORP College Scholarship campaign. We are so delighted to receive applications for the NYCORP College Scholarship. Meantime, our NYCORP College Scholarship Committee wishes you good luck in all you do during your High School Senior Year. NYCORP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION LINK: To apply online for a NYCORP College Scholarship, Click Here. WEBSITE UPDATES: Our NYCORP College Scholarship Team is excited about our 10th Annual 2025 Scholarship Campaign. Please apply online at the NYCORP site using the Scholarship link above. COMMUNICATIONS NOTE: Since the NYCORP Scholarship Fund is a Volunteer Program; please expect some delay in responding to your email. We will get back to you as soon as possible. NYCORP SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINES: Applications must be received by: April 15, We welcome all seniors, who qualify, to apply. Students: After you have uploaded your application, essay, and consent form on the scholarship site, please send us a quick email (with your name, email, and phone number) to [email protected] The email should say: “Hi, My name is XXX. I have just uploaded my application to the NYCORP Scholarship Page”. Regular Scholarship Application Deadline: April 15, Please apply before the deadline otherwise the scholarship dollars will need to be carried over to next year. It would be a shame if the money allotted in scholarships did not get awarded to help deserving students with their college expenses.
GUIDANCE COUNSELORS: Guidance Counselors can email High School Seniors Transcripts to us for the Scholarship to [email protected]. Please see Guidance Counselor Letter below. STUDENTS QUESTIONS: Please use our NYCORP Scholarship Email ([email protected]) for any questions you may have. PLEASE DO NOT send your Essay, Consent Form, or Application to this email box. Those documents are UPLOADED online. DONATIONS FUEL THE NYCORP SCHOLARSHIP FUND: PLEASE SEE BELOW TO HELP OUR FUNDRAISING EFFORTS
NYCORP College Scholarship Fund (NCSF) GENEROUS AND PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS: Special thanks to all the Volunteers that have made the NYCORP College Scholarship Fund a success! Everyone has shared their time, passion to help others, amazing ideas, personal chemistry, and good spirits which are priceless. We welcome new volunteers.
NYCORP College Scholarship Fund Committee: Update coming soon!
_________________________________________________________________ GUIDANCE COUNSELOR LETTER: Greetings NY City (Manhattan) High School Guidance Counselors and College Coaches, RE: NYCORP 20XX College Scholarship Fund To: New York City High School Guidance Counselors On behalf of the New York Council of Relocation Professionals Corp (NYCORP), we would like to make you aware of a scholarship opportunity for local New York City High School seniors. Please see the scholarship link for information about this program: All application documents are located on the NYCORP Scholarship Application Link page. NYCORP is a non-profit organization that brings together NY and regional corporations and relocation service providers for the primary purpose of providing educational information and current industry updates to its members about the relocation industry. NYCORP recognizes that successful relocations are those that help build talent for corporations, government entities, and non-profit organizations. In addition, these mission-critical transfers enhance the careers of their employees, and also provide growth and added value to the families involved in moving. Understanding that High School students, when relocated, are faced with giving up the comforts of their homes, established friendships, involvement with school and community activities. This is compounded by their entry into a new world where they must create and develop new lifestyles, as well as handle numerous unexpected challenges. While often difficult, we have found that this time can also be inspirational and provide life learning lessons. Whatever the impact, we know that each relocating student has a very special story, unique to their own experiences and stories that we feel need to be told! Therefore, NYCORP will award scholarships to college-bound high school seniors who have relocated to NYC during their High School years. Our goal is to award as many scholarships as possible. Students should have moved between 9th (after 8th-grade graduation) and 12th grade. The award will be sent to the college that the student will be attending to assist with tuition, etc. In addition, if timetables allow, NYCORP may apply to the national organization Worldwide ERC Foundation for Workforce Mobility for additional scholarship funds. If successful, these funds may be applied in varying amounts to one of the NYCORP scholarship recipients.
NYCORP will select scholarship winners based on the strength of their total package. The student will be evaluated on academic performance, extra-curricular activities, and on their response to an essay addressing the way they handled the challenges associated with relocating to a new area and a new High School. Regardless of whether the student receives the reward, ALL students will be considered winners and ALL stories will become an important addition to the NYCORP story collection, entitled “Moving to the Big Apple…. Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Personal Paths of Excellence” We look for your assistance please with the following items: 1) Eligible High School seniors can apply based on the criteria that they have: a. Relocated more than 50 miles and changed schools due to a relocation, and b. Have maintained a current cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent achievement on a different scale). 2) Academic transcripts, should accompany the senior’s application. 3) Students should double-check to make sure their online submissions are complete and accurate with the required Application, Essay, Transcripts, Consent Form, and Online Questionnaire. 4) Making eligible students aware of this scholarship opportunity and encouraging their participation. Please post the scholarship application on your website or in your newsletter to seniors.
Student and Guidance Counselors: Important Dates DEADLINE: April 15th WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Early June SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDS CEREMONY: June 10, 2025 The following items are needed in order to have a “Complete” Scholarship Application Submission. Students will upload on the NYCORP Scholarship site three documents: 1. Online Application. 2. Student Essay. 3. Consent Form. In addition, Guidance Counselors will email the Students’ Transcripts and other test scores to [email protected]. Students can also use this email to submit questions. Student Essays: Students will need to submit essays of between a minimum of 1,000 words, and maximum of 1,200 words. Applicants will describe their challenges, and experiences encountered, in addition to successes achieved, while relocating to her or his new home and high school. Student applications should also include advice and coaching to another teenager preparing to relocate. Please make copies as needed. Scholarship recipients will be notified early June, prior to the scholarship awards being awarded at our June 10, 2025, NYCORP event. We will be contacting the selected scholarship recipients to present their stories at the NYCORP June meeting. We very much welcome their very supportive families and high school Guidance Counselors to join and celebrate with them. We hope that you will help support our efforts and encourage your high school senior students to participate in “telling their story”. We know that their words will serve to inspire, connect and help others as they transition to their new locations. If you have questions, please email your NYCORP College Scholarship Fund Coordinator. To find out more about the NYCORP, please visit our website at Thank you very much for your consideration, and we look forward to working with you and your staff to encourage student participation in this scholarship opportunity. Thanks and Best Regards, NYCORP College Scholarship Fund Committee [email protected] ___________________________________________________________The goal of the NYCORP Scholarship Committee is to award multiple college scholarships for deserving NY high school seniors that meet certain criteria and requirements. NYCORP recognizes that successful relocations are those that not only help build talent for corporations, and/or enhance the careers of their employees, but also those that provide growth and added value to the families involved in moving. High School students, when relocated, are faced with giving up the comforts of their homes, established friendships, involvement with school and community activities and then forced into a new world where they must create and develop new lifestyles as well as handle numerous unexpected challenges. While often difficult, we have found that this time can also be inspirational and provide life-learning lessons. Whatever the impact, we know that each relocating student has a very special story, unique to his or her own experiences. These stories need to be told! Therefore, NYCORP will award a specific amount annually as determined by fundraising capabilities as a scholarship to college-bound high school seniors who have relocated into one of our member’s service areas or have been relocated anywhere in the world by one of our qualified corporate members. We hope that you will join us in supporting the fund. ____________________________________ NYCORP Scholars Alumni Network FOR ALL PAST APPLICANTS IN PRIOR YEARS Congratulations! You have been selected to join the NYCORP Scholars Alumni Network. All Students who applied for a NYCORP College Scholarship between 2014-2024 can join this free and voluntary networking group. You all have many things in common….. 1. You enjoy and excel at learning. 2. You are our future leaders and contributors in whatever professions or industries you choose. 3. All of us can benefit from a networking group with a diverse group of people. Looking for an internship or job, solving a problem, sharing a best practice, volunteering for a charity, inquiring about a new type of technology, pursuing a new hobby, or whatever you can think of. Please let us know if you would like to join the NYCORP Scholarship Alumni Network? It’s easy; just send a quick note to [email protected]. You can share your name, email, phone number, your major(s) at school, some of your life goals, your interests, where you are from, fun information about yourself, or whatever you would like other students in the network to know about you. At a minimum, please share your name, email address, a few goals, and the attached consent agreement. Thanks so much and have a wonderful weekend! NYCORP College Scholarship Committee _______________________________________________________________________ Quotes “The world is moved along, not only by heroes, but also by the aggregate of good deeds of each honest person” ~Helen Keller “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back” ~Maya Angelou “An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves.” ~ Lydia M. Child “I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.” ~Mother Teresa |